Posts Tagged ‘Recyclebank’

How To: Recyclebank

What is Recyclebank?

An easy way to get some really high value coupons for FREE!  Sign up HERE to get started!

There are several ways to earn points, but the easiest is to take a pledge or watch a short video about recycling and being eco-friendly and get points that you can redeem for coupon and gift certificates.  There are several different ones sponsored by various companies that will quickly get you up to 100 points.  I have already earned almost 300 points!

My favorite reward right now is $10 off $50 Harris Teeter purchase for only 100 points!  I’ve already gotten 2 of these!

See all the ways to earn HERE.  Some recent ways to earn points that you don’t want to miss:

Green Your Vacation – 55 points!

Aveeno Facebook Pledge – 50 points!

Watch this Kashi video for a quick 25 points!